Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bringing Sci-Fi back to SyFy

The science fiction geek inside of me is squirming for the new shows that SyFy just recently announced!  While the cable channel still has a few reality shows slated, which are cheap and easy to produce (and the masses gobble them up!), there are several scripted series that look great!

To start with, there are two novel adaptations, Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clark, and Ringworld by Larry Niven.  I have not read either yet, but wouldn't mind adding another Clark book to my shelves, so I'll have to make a book run this weekend.  I'm always concerned with book adaptations though, because of the tight budgets that the producers will have to work with.  But these two series have simply been waiting their turn for the big screen.  Kubric had originally thought about adapting Childhood's End before 2001, and the old SciFi Channel had talked about producing Ringworld almost a decade ago.  I'll be tuning in for both of them for sure!

There's also:

Orion, with a female relic-hunter set during an intergalactic war 
Sojourn, a detective in space
Infinity, the typical tale of a spacecraft hurdled into deep space and encountering new planets and life forms
Dominion, to take place after the movie Legion (Remember the Angel theme?)
Clandestine, following bandit stowaways on a coalition ship pretending to be officers

There are a couple others that include fantasy creatures and post-apocalyptic settings, and while those don't fit into the Sci-Fi genre, I'll accept them any day over Ghost Hunters...

Lastly, I wanted to point out a reality show that I actually am interested in - the current working title is Cosworlds.  It will of course focus on cosplayers, but I fear that the general TV viewers will still look at them as adults who never grew up.  Yes, that's exactly what cosplayers are, but somehow that's still a negative trait to have in society today.  Hopefully Cosworlds will portray them in an entertaining, but professional light.

These new shows, along with a few previous seasons (Even if they were cancelled), gives me hope that SyFy will be going back down the road that they started on.  Here's to a sci-fi filled future on television! Cheers!

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