Thursday, April 4, 2013

When Gameplay Causes a Rage Quit

I have a confession - I never finished the first Bioshock, meaning I never played Bioshock 2, and I remain conspicuously silent when my friends talk about Bioshock Infinite (although it looks amazing!).  I also never finished the first Assassin's Creed, even though period games are right up my alley.  There are other games that I played less than an hour before abandoning them, such as Dead Rising 2 (apologies to my friend Mike who gave it to me).  The reason I've quit numerous games never to pick them up again has one simple answer: Sucky Gameplay.

A game could have the most amazing storyline, captivating characters, mind blowing graphics, the works - but if something sucks about the gameplay, I just can't enjoy the rest of the game.  It's a fault I wish I could work around, because I'm missing out on some epic games!

Bioshock is the one exception that I know I'll pick up again even after rage quitting years ago.  So what's my complaint?  The damn map system, and it's use during quests:

See those red arrows?  Those designate the different levels that stairs will lead to.  And somehow my brain couldn't process it.  Combined with numerous quests that made you RETRACE your steps to pick up items, making you follow the damn red arrows, I gave up.  I navigated it once, and I was not doing it again!  Petty reason to quit, I know. 

Assassin's Creed is another game that was ruined by its gameplay.  I understand I'm playing as an assassin, trained to blend into a crowd, or hide in a barrel of hay instead of running through the streets GTA style.  But I never liked playing stealthy characters (I have a lack of patience), so I was doomed from the start.  I'm not saying I run into every encounter Leeroy Jenkins style, but I could put in the Sims if I wanted to sit on a bench as people pass by.  Plus playing on a console instead of my PC didn't help because while I was walking slowly within a crowd, I would suddenly jerk around, thus alerting the guards to my presence (damn you third person perspective on a controller!). 

Ok, so both of these reasons for quitting are pretty ridiculous excuses, but not as bad as refusing to go back and replay part of Skyrim because a dragon glitched and I can no longer enter *cough* 

Yeah...I'll stop there before this gets too embarrassing and I have to hand in my gamer card.  But for all my mediocre gripes about amazing games, I'm proud to admit that I've never gotten close to raging on this level:

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